Five Reasons Leaders Fail - Idea Firm

Five Reasons Leaders Fail

 In Managing, Delegating, and Leading

Five Reasons Owners and Managers Fail to Delegate

Imagine if you removed my spine… I would collapse completely. Well, delegation is the backbone of business, and businesses with poor delegation all suffer from poor growth. Delegation is the leverage that makes business growth possible. If you don’t delegate, you are doomed to remain where you are. (Read Stop Saying Good Job!) So what are the Five Reasons Owners and Managers Fail to Delegate?

Anywhere we find businesses not growing, we find a lack of delegation.

This past month I’ve been working with managers who are doing some of their employees’ work for them. We told them if they are going to continue in this way, we might as well reduce their pay and demote them, right? They got the point.

Can you spot the behavior of your non-delegators on this list below?

  • They don’t believe anyone else knows as much about their business as they do.
  • In the time it would take to train someone, they could do it themselves.
  • They do not believe they could find and hire a person who wants the job.
  • They still think and work like an employee rather than a business owner who empowers employees to run the company.
  • They need to stay in control; They are afraid others will make mistakes, and everything has to be perfect.

Are you leading like you have a backbone or suffering from failure to delegate?

I hope you win the day! Best!


About the Author

Hi, I’m John Blakeney!

Since 1999, I’ve dedicated my life to building high-performing people and companies. I’ve been hired to advise hundreds of CEOs and I’ve doubled revenue for most of my clients. I have hired and trained thousands of employees in leadership, and on how to be profitable business decision-makers. Clients include small businesses, mid-market, and Fortune 500 Companies. I’m an active keynote speaker on leadership and a university educator on innovation. For fun, some friends and I brew IPAs with attitude. My wife and I are parents to three adult children.

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